Monday, October 8, 2007

Voting for task 1 has REopened

GO VOTE! Remember the rules, that it must have an infinity, must say "Dunder Mifflin, Topeka" with no other text. Not to snub some of the logos, but we want ours to be in the running for BEST IN COMPANY.

It seems that the voting is closed again... perhaps they are fixing the bugs I mentioned below. If you have a bugged logo, you might try fixing it now... who knows... maybe it'll work out.

Below are all of your options. By my count, there were 89 logos made. I think this is a poor showing and I hope we can step it up on the next few tasks. Something is better than nothing.

Unfortunately, it seems that anyone who layered their logo got screwed. There are several that looked quite detailed, but since are jumbly. Too bad... hopefully corporate can improve the system as time goes by.

For now, be sure to head on over to the DMI site and vote for what you think is the best. We all get rewarded if we have the best in the company... so be sure to pick the best overall logo.

-the boss


Anonymous said...

For some reason, the logo I uploaded is not showing up. It looks like one other person had this problem as well. I know it's probably a bug, but is there any known way to find it?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my DMI ID is janeeyre316.

papergreatguy said...

Is it showing up at the official DMI site now?

I grabbed these pictures during a small window of time where the logos were put on the web and then removed. They are back up now and fixed... is your showing?